Festa della Madonna della Neve
From Saturday 5 August 2023 to Sunday 6 August 2023 - h. 18:00
The traditional feast of the “Madonna della Neve” will be held on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th August at the Sanctuary in Gandizzano, in Sale Marasino.
On Saturday, August 5th, the festival will open at 6 pm with the solemn Holy Mass in the Sanctuary and the re-enactment of the miraculous snowfall that occurred on the Esquiline hill in Rome in 358 AD.
Afterwards, a buffet dinner and super bingo will take place. In conclusion, there will be a suggestive nocturnal snowfall.
On Sunday, August 6th, the festival will open at 12.30 pm for lunch, followed by the bingo.
Reservations required for both lunch and dinner by contacting Mrs. Antonella (Contacts section).