The story in our midst – Presentation of the book “Agostino Racconta”
Thursday 14 March 2024 - h. 20:45
The event “The story in our midst” will be held on Thursday 14th March, at 8.45 pm, with the presentation of the book “Agostino Tells” by Sergio Pierno and Maria Cipitì, at the Civic Hall of the Grumello municipal building. Mountain.
Augustine is only about eight years old; his memories transport the reader into the daily reality of Milan and the Bergamo area, in the years of the Second World War.
From 1942 to 1946 the protagonist moves from Milan to Vallalta, the village where he was displaced, and back to Milan. He talks about family, school, hobbies, special meetings.
In the background… the bombings, Fascism, the Racial Laws, the massacres, the partisans and the teachers’ explanations. He will spend two years in Vallalta…
On April 29, 1945 he returns to Milan where he can dream of a better future.
The authors will be happy to sign the book.
Free admission.
The event is organized by Pro Loco Grumello del Monte in collaboration with the municipal administration of Grumello del Monte.