Festa di San Fermo
From Wednesday 9 August 2023 to Friday 11 August 2023 - h. 10:30
As every year, the San Fermo Cultural Association renews and organizes the Festa of San Fermo at the homonymous church in Sulzano.
Friday 9th
7 pm – Food stand and music with “Dj Pampa”
Saturday 10th
7 pm – Food stand with mixed fry and music with “Le 3 Donne”
Sunday 11th
12 pm – Food stand with “Spit and polenta” (upon reservation until August, 9th – Mario +39 3409630089) followed by lottery draw, holy mass
7 pm – Food stand with mix fry and music
11 pm – Fireworks display and spaghetti dinner offered by the association San Fermo