Fishing Competition
Sunday 15 September 2024 - h. 09:00
Sunday, September 15th, from 9 am to 11 am with a meeting at the Centro Accoglienza Visitatori della Riserva Naturale delle Torbiere in Iseo, there will be a fishing competition for children and youth (maximum 15 years old), in collaboration with the Sebino Carp team association.
After the success of the initiatives organised between March and June, the autumn appointments of the review Una Riserva da Vivere are back. A total of 11 events will be organised between September and October with the aim of making people experience the Reserve in a conscious and respectful way.
The initiatives have been organised with the support of the Reserve Guides, an association and professionals who care about the importance of biodiversity and intend to convey it to the wider public.
Reservations required, to sign up click HERE.
All guided tours are free of charge, only the payment of an entrance fee of € 2.00 is required at the dispensers or the Iseo Visitor Centre.