Incontro “SCC 2025. Continuità eroiche tra classico e moderno”
Saturday 22 February 2025 - h. 14:30
On Saturday 22 February 2025, from 2:30 pm in the Sala Affreschi of the Accademia Tadini, the meeting “Permanenze eroiche tra classico e moderno” will take place, organized on the occasion of the XVIII edition of the Settimana della Cultura classica (19-30 March 2025). The meeting, curated by Rita Romele and Marco Albertario, intends to propose a moment of reflection on classical theatre and its function between ancient and modern, in homage to the subtitle of the event.
The afternoon is divided into two parts: the first concerns the meaning of theatre in the classical world and its connections with the figurative arts (identification of a series of gestures and themes that will remain valid as a representative code valid until now).
In the second part, two “antithetical” cases of use of the classics will be presented: Jean Anouilh’s Antigone as an example of resistance, and Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia as an example of appropriation of the classical model by the dictatorship.
The day is open to teachers, students and the interested public.
Student participation in the Study Day (subject to entry and exit signature) will be counted as internal credit activity for a total of 2 hours.
Text taken from the event page
Cover image taken from the event poster