11^ Tappa della Transumanza Letteraria della Bergamasca
Saturday 15 June 2024
The 11th stage of the Transumanza Letteraria Bergamasca. will be held on Saturday 15 June in Lovere at 9.00 pm at the Tadini Academy.
The Bergamo Literary Transhumance is no longer just a story, but has already become an emulated project, an incentive for literary tourism and a basic plot for an embroidered and surprising social fabric.
This year’s tour goes further and I’m using it as a framework from which to draw a reportage that I will publish at the end of the year. The theme of sociological investigation is: how the relationship of the Bergamo native with his work has changed and how much local literature can make this relationship more harmonious.
Local literature is familiar, it tells us about us, which is why it is even more effective in the work of humanization.
This is the theory, the statement which is then demonstrated with practical exercise in each stage, which always has its pivot in the presentation of an author from Bergamo, of a book and examines a profession and investigates it, searches for it the human and tries to soften its colors.
Roberto Robert, an award-winning mystery writer from Bergamo, takes us back to the history of our Bergamo cooperative banks which from the end of the nineteenth century arrived in the center of Piacenza and beyond through the Priula and then made history, one of our stories.
What is work? just the physical one? So being a banker, for example, isn’t a job?
What is work? Only the paid one? So volunteering or artistic volunteering is not work?
But does work always keep its promises or is it just an illusion glossed over by illusory money?
They will talk about it on Saturday 15th in the company of Roberto Robert and Giuseppe Maino
Text provided by the Tadini Academy