Casoncelli in vichinga
From Monday 19 June 2023 to Friday 23 June 2023
The Società Canottieri Sebino Lovere in collaboration with the Pro Loco Castro, on the occasion of the Sagra del Casoncello hosts “Casoncelli in Vikinga”, a series of evenings in which you can taste the delicacies offered by the famous village festival during a guided tour on the Viking at the Bögn di Castro.
The evenings will be held from Monday 19 to Friday 23 June, with two outings for each evening (at 19:00 and 20:30).
The tour includes:
– 90 minute guided tour on the Viking boat
– plate of handmade casoncelli
– water, soft drink or wine
The activity is suitable for people with slight mobility difficulties.
Paid event by reservation (by calling 0039 329 833 3599 or 0039 331 348 1324 – min. 8 participants)
Cost: €25.00 per person.
Cover image credits: Canottieri Sebino