Lecture “Spirito e natura in Giappone”
Thursday 29 June 2023 - h. 20:30
On Thursday 29 June at 20:30, the Association “Amici del Museo” of Lovere is hosting a conference at the Civic Cultural Center in Via del Cantiere, curated by Dr. Graziana Canova, a graduate in Japanese language and literature.
“Since the beginning, the forces of nature and the phenomena that took place in it, extraordinary for the ancient inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago, were revered as superior beings, spirits, kami. Everything in nature: trees, mountains, rocks, waters, had a spirit , WAS a spirit. Graziana Canova Tura will illustrate the relationship still very much alive today between the luxuriant nature that enriches Japan and the soul of the human beings who inhabit it. The spirituality of all things governs many aspects of daily life also modern in an underground way, unknown to most, but constant and deeply alive, so much so that it is still perceived in poetic forms, of yesterday and today”.
Text taken from the event flyer.
Free event without reservation.