Dante Alighieri al Castello di Paratico – Book presentation
Monday 13 September 2021 - h. 20:45
On Monday 13th September at 8.45 pm at the Sala Consiliare of the Municipality of Paratico there will be the presentation of the book Dante Alighieri al Castello di Paratico, by Amerigo Lantieri de Paratico.
According to an ancient and consolidated oral tradition of the family, during the exile, Dante Alighieri would have been a guest of the Lantieri family (then Lanteri) in the Castle of Paratico, probably in 1311. In fact, at the time, Cangrande I della Scala, who had welcomed him in Verona, had arrived in the area, in the wake of Emperor Arrigo VII, who between 1310 and 1312 laid siege to Brescia. The author will expose the historical and literary foundations that he described in his book, and which constitute valid indications of a possible validity of the tradition.
The conclusion will be by Don GP. Ministrini, a native priest of Paratico, with an intervention on the theme “The influence of the Divine Comedy on the Christian vision of the Hereafter”.
The event is free upon reservation by writing to biblioteca@comune.paratico.bs.it. At the time of booking, please attach the Difital Covid Certificate of each participant.