Guided tour of the historical centre of Lovere
Sunday 20 November 2022 - h. 15:00
The Nuova Proloco of Lovere proposes the initiative “Sunday with the guide” to discover the beauties of Lovere, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
During the itinerary you will admire the Basilica of S. Maria in Valvendra, the medieval village with the ancient towers, the ancient Church of S. Chiara, the Risorgimento monuments, the Shrine of Lovere Saints, the neoclassical Palazzo Tadini and other places of historical and artistic interest.
The guided tours will be held the first and the third Sundays of October, November and December in the Tredici Martiri square at 15.00.
Cost: 8 euros per person (free up to the age of 14 years).
Reservations required at n. 340 3302515.