Exhibition “Seguendo il filo…rosso”
Saturday 22 April 2023 - h. 10:00
On Saturday, April 22nd, from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm, the exhibition-workshop “Seguendo il filo…rosso” will be held in Sarnico.
There will be a photographic-book exhibition at the Municipal Library of Sarnico (via S. Paolo, 6) to link words to images, colors and sensations.
The Laboratorio Famiglie Solidali (Viale della Libertà) will host a photographic exhibition that tells the story of the association with a video projection. Furthermore, at the San Filippo Neri Oratory (Viale della Libertà, 11) activities will be organized by the Teenager Group.
Finally, the Il Cantiere Cooperative will hold an exhibition of the laboratory activities carried out in the educational services of the cooperative.