Presentation of the Cammino Tre Laghi
Friday 23 June 2023 - h. 20:45
The Circolo Culturale Agorà and the Sovere Library Commission are hosting an evening in which the “Cammino Tre Laghi” will be presented on Friday 23 June at 20:45.
During the evening, which will be held at the municipal auditorium in Via Silvestri 1, the creators of the walk will be present: Rudi Bianchi and Sara Bianchi.
A journey without a destination, because the destination is the journey itself. Wander among lakes and villages of ancient history, ride mountains where the gaze is lost in infinite beauty, cross woods, streams and caress the severe overhang of the cliffs that plunge into the deepest blue … A landscape in constant evolution, changing with the changing of the seasons .
Free admission.
Credits for text and cover image: Cammino Tre Laghi