Sapiens – Appuntamento con Simone Moro
Saturday 5 September 2020 - h. 18:00
Second appointment of the ”Sapiens” review: eight meetings between Bergamo and Brescia with eight wise men to ”take stock”, to start over, to understand, to imagine a future, to sow the first seeds of the journey to the capitals of culture 2023.
On Saturday 5th September at 6.00 pm in the sports area of Menzino, Monte Isola, the mountaineer Simone Moro will present his latest autobiographical book “I sogni non sono in discesa”. Born in 1967, from Bergamo, Moro is the only mountaineer in history to have reached four peaks of 8,000 meters in the winter season.
During the meeting on the lake island, Moro will tell about his life, a very powerful vertical dream: the exploits won, those lost, those postponed in front of the hardest mountain to climb, the epidemic. And he will tell about fear: a feeling that has shared Italy for months – frightened by a new and invisible enemy, the virus – but which, mountaineers teach, is often the fundamental weapon that keeps alive.
The event will be held also in case of rain.
Free entry – reservations required.
Click here to download the complete program of the review