Informative evening “Perchè approfondire bitcoin?”
Monday 8 April 2024
The Youth Policy Commission of the Municipality of Sovere organizes the “Sovere Tech” event, which will take place according to the following program:
Monday 8 April at 8.30pm | Municipal Auditurium, via Senatore Silvestri 1
Bitcoin: there is a lot of talk about it, but little is known about it. Let’s find out why studying Bitcoin could be an opportunity to get rich…in knowledge and awareness.
With Lorenzo Giudici, computer engineer
Monday 15 April at 8.30pm | Municipal Auditurium, via Senatore Silvestri 1
Chat GPT: can we use ChatGPT to support us in our projects and research? Let’s discover the benefits of AI and how to obtain information and solutions.
With Lorenzo Barzasi, computer engineer
Texts and cover image taken from the event poster