Show “Il paese delle facce gonfie” – CI.T.T.À. DOLCI
Saturday 15 October 2022 - h. 21:00
On Saturday, October 15th at 9 pm at the Borsellino Conference Room of the Nelson Mandela Civic Center in Castegnato the theatre show “Il paese delle facce gonfie” will be staged, as part of the “CI.T.T.À. DOLCI” review.
It is the story of an environmental disaster that could have been avoided: that of 1976 in Seveso. The protagonist is a man who would like to become a child again, when the clouds passed over his head and were desires waiting to take shape. The child returns in the language and in the naive and irreverent gaze on the events.
Paid event (€5 adults; €3 under 18 and over 60).