Stracchino Bronzone
The stracchino Bronzone is a soft cheese made following an ancient tradition, starting from whole fat raw milk.
The lactic acid bacteria that have always been found in the milk in this area, the particular processing techniques, the care put in the maturing conditions all make the stracchino Bronzone a distinctive cheese that is very closely tied to the territory in which it is made.
The Cooperativa Agricola Monti e Laghi has aggregated a group of direct farmers aware that to achieve positive results it is necessary to join forces. Today the Cooperativa has achieved excellent results, while maintaining the primary character of a cooperative linked to traditions. In fact, the figure of the farmer plays a central role. The landscape surrounding the dairy is uncontaminated, enchanting and suggestive, characterized by green meadows and pastures, vineyards and olive groves. All of this is the result of peasant experience handed down to generations. Solidarity, collaboration and constructive dialogue between mountain operators (and nany others) are, for the cooperative, necessary and fundamental conditions for promoting it and fostering a future made up of concrete results based on quality and food safety.
Stracchino Bronzone can be purchased at the Cooperativa Monti e Laghi in Vigolo.