“Lovere, il Borgo della luce… dove la musica si fa pop art”
From Friday 22 September 2023 to Sunday 24 September 2023 - h. 20:15
“Lovere il Borgo della luce” is back for the thirteenth time which, in the year of “Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023”, pays tribute to Italian music through art.
“Lovere, il Borgo della luce… dove la musica si fa pop art” provides for the evocative projection of artworks that portray some of the most famous and significant names in the Italian music scene accompanied by phrases taken from the songs that made the artists famous. Screenings that can be admired every evening from Friday 22 September to Sunday 24 September, from 20:15 to 24:00 in Piazza Tredici Martiri, Piazza Garibaldi, Palazzo Tadini and Piazza V. Emanuele II (in the ancient village).
Discover the next appointment with the Borgo della luce:
– from Friday 29 to Sunday 1 October by clicking HERE.
The event, with a graphic project elaborated from scratch in a colorful pop style, aims to represent a sort of ideal continuation of “all you need is lovere” dedicated to the Beatles in the summer of 2022, created by projecting the works of art of the Maestro of Light dedicated to Fab4.
“Music and Art are an element of great importance in our society and culture – explains the Mayor of Lovere Alex Pennacchio – for this reason, also this year, we have involved Maestro Marco Lodola, one of the most famous and influential Italian artists, known for his works of art dedicated to the myths of music, exhibited in prestigious public places and international art galleries”.
The artist has demonstrated a strong bond with the territory and enthusiastically accepted the invitation to renew participation also for the 2023 edition. “I received the project with pleasure and amazement – explains the artist – and I am truly excited about review my works in the beautiful Lovere. Collaboration with the town is becoming a pleasant and rewarding habit; this year the perfect combination of luminous art and music. Precisely for this reason I will soon be in Lovere to admire the splendid projections in person”.
“Lovere, il Borgo della luce” – underlines Councilor Raponi – was created thanks to the precious availability of Maestro Marco Lodola and the important contribution obtained from the municipal administration as part of the “Every day in Lombardia” tender promoted by the Tourism Department of the Regione Lombardia”.
Among the big names that will be represented there will be Domenico Modugno with his iconic “Volare” and Mina, which will be accompanied by the phrase of his famous song “You are great, great, great”. There will be names of other protagonists of the Italian pop scene such as Jovanotti, Ligabue, Max Pezzali and Renato Zero.
Particular emphasis will also be given to the artists who represent the territory, such as Pinguini Tattici Nucleari – an unpublished work created ad hoc by the Maestro for the event – the “Pooh“, also called “The Italian Beatles”, with Roby Facchinetti from Bergamo among the members of the group, and Ivan Cattaneo, born just a few steps from Lovere, and a reference point for Italian pop music of the 80s.
Furthermore, in Piazza Tredici Martiri, next to the images of the singers, it will be possible to admire the work “Il Volto degli Altri” by Lodola which represents a crowd of people in bright colors, without a defined face. This artistic choice seems to want to subtract the characters at the same time, giving them an aura of timelessness. The concept connects in a suggestive way to the music of the projected artists, which goes beyond the very idea of passing time. Music becomes immortal, involving and enthralling different generations.
An interesting curiosity concerns the creation of a version of the work with the people arranged in a circle, specially created by Lodola for the cover of the album “Gli Anni” by 883 in 1998. This detail adds further charm to the work and further underlines once the intersection of visual art and music.
For more information on the “Lovere, il Borgo della luce” project and to stay updated on the other initiatives planned during the summer, you can follow the social profiles @loveeeventi on Facebook and Instagram and visit the website lovereeventi.it.
Photo credits: Antonio Cadei