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Hotel Rosmunda Locanda del Lago

In the historical centre of Clusane, the lake inn Rosmunda is situated directly on the lake at the foot of Count Carmagnola’s Castle. The building where family Rosmunda started their own activity of the typical Restaurant was completely restored in 2003.

The family composed by the mother Rosmunda, her daughter Katia who works in the dining room, the father Luigi and the son in law Pierluigi who work in the kitchen, continue the tradition started by their grandparents in 1954. They were fishermen, always paying attention to the use of natural ingredients and absolute quality, keeping in mind objectives like lightness and fragrance.

They renewed 18 rooms to bring back the ancient tradition of “board and lodging” in a restored structure and respecting all the canons of safety, for a peace-full and relaxing holiday.

Photos and translation by Hotel Rosmunda Locanda del Lago

Type of Accommodation

  • N. of beds: 36
  • N. rooms: 18
  • N. of private bath: 18


  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Internet access and Wi-Fi
  • Air-conditioning
  • Elevator
  • Balcony
  • Bar
  • Strongbox
  • Old Town
  • Frigobar
  • Garden - outdoor park
  • Restaurant
  • Television
  • Panoramic View

Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito del bando Wonderfood & Wine di Regione Lombardia e Unioncamere Lombardia per la promozione di Sapore inLOMBARDIA

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