Church of San Giorgio in Gallinarga
The Church of San Giorgio is located upstream of the Gallinarga locality, in the center of an olive grove. The building, once belonged to the noble Fenaroli family, was then purchased in the 1930s by the Capuani family and is now owned by the heirs of Davide Capuani, owner of the spinning mill of the same name in Tavernola Bergamasca. Its structure does not show particular signs. The discovery of valuable details begins with the first renovations. The arrangement of the roof made it possible to discover the primitive structure of the building in the wall body: a chapel with a quadrangular hall and a semicircular apse. Two facts concur to confirm its ancient dating: citation in some Vatican papers of 1068 and the presence of the same date on the external wall of the small arched portal. Inside there are 15th century frescoes depicting San Girolamo, San Rocco, the Pietà and another saint. Frescos have recently been discovered which are perhaps among the oldest in Romanesque painting in Lombardy.
Descriptions by “Il Romanico nel Basso Sebino”