“Letture gotiche in museo”
Saturday 28 October 2023 - h. 15:30
This genre is the expression of a modern era and class, but at the same time it is an extraordinarily new and parasitic operation: it is a new that feeds on the old, it is a new that pushes elements belonging to the past towards the future , that is, ghosts, animated portrayed monsters, which were already a reserve of previous Western culture.
“Every reality is a deception” said Luigi Pirandello.
The public will be accompanied on a thematic visit to the Tadini collection, between art and literature: for a different vision and interpretation of some of our works, between portraits and scenographic representations of exciting stories.
For example, the invention of photography in the mid-1800s revolutionized the way of conceiving the portrait… but what were the effects on the community in front of one’s own image captured by the canvas or by the photographic camera … Surely a great inspiration for some great authors of world literature.
Reservation required by calling 349 4118779 or writing [email protected]
Admission and visit €10.00; free up to 10 years of age.
Text credits: Accademia Tadini