Bariselli Gabriella

The winery “Bariselli Gabriella” was founded in 1972 by grandparents Mario and Maria. The great-grandfather Carlo Bariselli already owned a small winery in the village of Erbusco, where he produced wine exclusively for family consumption; subsequently, the son of Carlo (Mario) moved from the village on the morainic hill and built the cellar, that bears the name of his daughter Gabriella.

Since 2004 all the activities are managed by the sons of Gabriella (Andrea, Alessio and Alessandro), who seem to have inherited the genes and passion for viticulture of grandfather Mario. The three brothers run a dozen hectares of vineyards, located in five different municipalities of Franciacorta; this choice allows them to customize the terroir and contributes to giving character and uniqueness to each type of wine.

The history of the family and the passion put in every single step of wine aging allow them to obtain wines that, once tasted, are not forgotten.

Photos and texts by Bariselli Gabriella.


  • Guided tours with tasting
  • Wine shop

Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito del bando Wonderfood & Wine di Regione Lombardia e Unioncamere Lombardia per la promozione di Sapore inLOMBARDIA

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