The east coast of Lake Iseo

The itinerary begins in Iseo, the main town of the lake, an ancient village with Medieval origins ruled by the Oldofredi, their Castle can still be seen; travelling along Mirolte road in the direction of Garibaldi Square, one can admire the small Church of Santa Maria del Mercato, continuing to the right along Pieve road one arrives at Sagrato Square where there is the Parish of Sant’Andrea. In front there is the Church of San Giovanni Battista and on the right the Church of San Silvestro. Leaving Iseo, along the lakeside road one arrives at Sulzano where the Parish of San Giorgio dominates the upper part of the town. In a panoramic position along the Antica Strada Valeriana (ancient Valeriana road) the Churches San Fermo and Santa Maria del Giogo deserve a visit. Continuing to the north one arrives at Sale Marasino with the imposing Parish of San Zenone and its beautiful lakeside villas, among which Villa Martinengo-Villagana stands out. A quick detour to see the Church of Santa Maria della Neve in Gandizzano and the Church of San Giacomo in Maspiano is a good idea. A few more kilometers and a traffic circle with an olive press welcomes visitors to the town of oil, Marone. The ancient Parish Church of San Pietro in Vinculis is set on a hill, while the historical centre houses the Parish of San Martino di Tours. After following a stretch of the Antica Strada Valeriana, one arrives at Cislano, (hamlet of Zone), from where one has the best view of the Erosion Pyramids. The small Church of San Giorgio is always open. After about a kilometre one arrives in the town that looks like a mountain village built around the Parish of San Giovanni Battista. Returning to the lake, continue along the road to Pisogne, the last village on the Brescia side of Sebino. Arranged around the Mercato Square, there is the towering Vescovo Tower, and the nearby Corna Pellegrini Square where there is the Parish of Santa Maria Assunta. At the northern end of the town we end our journey at the two treasures in the art and history of the lake: the Church of Santa Maria in Silvis and the Church of Santa Maria della Neve.

Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito del bando Wonderfood & Wine di Regione Lombardia e Unioncamere Lombardia per la promozione di Sapore inLOMBARDIA

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