Marone cliff – Closed

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The cliff is not accessible

The Marone cliff is the first encountered in climbing the mountain. Friction with the owners of the land has greatly reduced visits. Currently only the central sector can be climbed, as a ban is in effect on the right sector with a fence and the left is completely abandoned, as is the sector on the extreme right reached from the car park.

Difficulty: Vertical and sheer walls make for a technical and continuous climb (from 6b to 8a).

Weather: SW exposure and 300 m.a.s.l. Hot in the summer, ideal in other seasons for traction and better climbs.

Access and parking: Brescia-Darfo PR 510, Colpiano exit, Zone direction. Turn left at the intersection, and shortly thereafter, left again onto Via Grumello, between warehouses, barns and homes, until you reach the end of the asphalt. There you can park against a retaining wall on the left without blocking private accesses. Turning left onto a private road, a 5-minute walk will take you to your destination.


  • Best time: Nelle altre stagioni per aderenza e buone realizzazioni.

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