Torbiere del Sebino Nature Reserve


In order to combine the protection of the area with a conscious and responsible use, the elimination of the internal cycle path (which passed on the South Route of the Reserve) and the establishment of the prohibition of access to bicycles have been arranged. Acknowledging the project “Ciclovia Culturale Brescia-Bergamo tratto bresciano”, the bike path is moved to the area outside the Reserve.


We inform the kind visitors that from March 10th, 2025 until July 28th, 2025, the central path of the Natural Reserve of the Torbiere del Sebino will be interrupted to ensure the preservation of the ornithological species that find refuge and nesting place in the Reserve.
Click HERE to view the press release.

The “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve is a Lombardy Region Reserve located on the south shore of Lake Iseo and is the most significant wetland in size and ecological importance in the province of Brescia.

It covers an area of 360 hectares, mainly composed of reed beds and ponds surrounded by cultivated fields, roads and houses. It includes: the “Lame” (wide areas of water features profiled by banks following the excavation of a peat deposit), the Small “Lame” (a type of peat lagoon north of the lake), some basins to the south and west (result of excavation of clay deposits, reaching depths of up to 10-15 meters, with a much clearer appearance and where it is still possible to fish), some meadows and cultivated fields.

The reserve is protected and any form of disturbance to wildlife and damage to vegetation is prohibited; it is also prohibited to enter with animals, throw garbage in the area and leave the indicated trails.

The complete tour of the Reserve is 9 km and it is indicated by the signs “Northern Route” and “Southern Route”, visitors can choose in which direction to begin.


The Reserve is accessible only on foot every day of the year, including holidays, from sunrise to sunset.

There are three access points: in Corte Franca (from the car park of the shopping centre), in Iseo (opposite the town soccer pitch near the Visitor’s Centre) and in Provaglio d’Iseo (San Pietro in Lamosa Monastery).

The entrance fee is € 2.00 per person, with tickets available from vending machines placed at the entrances. Groups of more than eight people must book a guided tour.

Photo by: Sergio Di Giacomo, Emanuele Forlani, Alessandro Gaudenzi, @donna_milly, Massimo Colosio

Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito del bando Wonderfood & Wine di Regione Lombardia e Unioncamere Lombardia per la promozione di Sapore inLOMBARDIA

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