Bio Fattoria Paradello
The Organic Farm Paradello Farm operates in Rodengo Saiano, in the heart of Franciacorta, on an area of about 20.00 h. The activity is concentrated in the production of cereals, vegetables and in poultry farming for the production of eggs and poultry for meat, all according to the organic farming method (regulated by EC regulation 2092/91 and subsequent amendments), to safeguard the environment and human health.
The cereals are partially transformed for human consumption into high quality flours of various types (Ancient Variety Corn, Soft Wheat, Durum Wheat Senatore Cappelli and Spelled) in turn transformed into pasta and sweet and savory bakery products (biscuits , crackers and bread). The remaining cereal part is instead used for poultry farming, which includes laying hens, native rustic breed chickens and French White breed capons – the last for the Christmas period. The animals, in addition to having an organic diet, have a minimum of 4 square meters of pasture available per head.
The production of the organic garden has also been active for several years with the offer of local seasonal vegetables. The activity of organic horticulture, developed by the family tradition, is practiced on the land directly adjacent to our farmhouse.
All products are available at the direct sales outlet of the Biofattoria Paradello adjacent to the fields, where you can also find other organic products from the area.
Quality is guaranteed by “Q. Certifications”.