
Fishing is permitted everywhere on the lake, provided you have a temporary fishing licence. It is valid for a year and for foreigners as well and consists of paying the regional tax of €23.00 (Italian residents of less than 18 years and over 65 are exempt).

The fee can be payed:

online on Lombardy’s website for payments (Italian version only)

– by Bank transfer
Iban IT95D0306909790100000300047
Registered to the “Regione Lombardia Servizio tesoreria” (Lombardy Region Treasury Service)
bic / swift code BCITITMM
Reason for payment: “Tassa di concessione regionale di pesca” (fishing regional concession tax) and the fisher(wo)man’s personal data (name, surname, date of birth and email)

– by Postal payment slip paid to postal giro
Account no. 25911207
Registered to the “Regione Lombardia Servizio tesoreria” (Lombardy Region Treasury Service)
Reason for payment: “Tassa di concessione regionale di pesca” and the fisher (wo) man’s personal data (name, surname, date of birth and email).

The payment receipt is valid as a fishing permit.


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Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito del bando Wonderfood & Wine di Regione Lombardia e Unioncamere Lombardia per la promozione di Sapore inLOMBARDIA

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